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NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety (IGC)

The NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC) provides organisations with a global presence seeking to adopt an internationally recognised health and safety training programme. It is a unique international health and safety standard award. It has the same format and content as the NEBOSH General Certificate but focuses on internationally recognised safety standards and priorities (ILO/18001) and best practice in controlling hazards.

The training is aimed at non UK nationals, employees of large organisations operating outside the UK, or multinational companies already working to international standards but needing to adapt these to accord with local needs and practice. It has been designed for personnel e.g. managers, supervisors, non-safety specialists, worker representatives who have both general and specific safety and health responsibilities within their organisation.

What You’ll Learn on the NEBOSH IGC

  • Understand best practice standards through HSG65, 18001, moral and economic requirements and implications for good standards in health and safety within an organisation.
  • Develop, promote and communicate an effective health & safety culture in an organisation.
  • Identify the key features of a health and safety policy, the preparations and performance review of a health and safety audit.
  • Understand the importance of a proactive and reactive safety monitoring measures.
  • Identify hazards in the workplace and carry out risk assessments, record findings and review procedures.
  • Advise on strategies for controlling hazards, reducing risks and applying safe systems of work.
  • Identify fire hazards and consequential risks, advise on measures to minimalise fire risks and develop fire procedures.
  • Identify ill health effects of physical processes of work and the environment and recommend suitable measures to combat risks.
  • Explain the processes and procedures for investigating and reporting accidents at work.

NEBOSH IGC Certification

On successful passing of the exams you will receive a NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety certificate. Certificates are issued by the examining body approximately 12 weeks after the last day of the course ending including exams.

The updated NEBOSH International General Certificate course consists of two assessments:

Unit IG1

Assessed by a scenario based assessment completed at home. You have 24 hours to complete this. The NG1 exam is undertaken at home in what is called an “Open Book” exam. Exam papers will be sent at a notified time and you will then have 24 hours to complete and return them. The exam should only take a few hours to complete and the 24 hours is to meet the needs of all learners in different time zones around the world. The exam itself comprises scenario based questions, where you will be given a set scenario(s) and asked questions which test the knowledge you would have gained studying the course. You will be able to access books, but must document all the sources you reference. This is extremely important as NEBOSH will be using software to check that answers are not just copied from textbooks.

Unit IG2

Assessed by a three hour practical assessment carried out in your workplace (or another suitable workplace)

Both assessments are marked by external examiners, appointed by the National Examination Board for Occupational Safety & Health (NEBOSH) and chosen for their experience and expertise.

If you are thinking about undertaking the NEBOSH International General Certificate we recommend that you research the qualification prior to booking and paying for your course. The training is in-depth and requires your time, effort and willingness to successfully complete the course.

The NEBOSH International General Certificate is Available Online!

The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety course is an international version of the NEBOSH National General Certificate. The NEBOSH IGC course focuses on the role of a real-life health and safety professional working outside the UK. It looks at the everyday workplace risks and how you can manage them to help protect people and profit.

The number of people achieving NEBOSH qualifications across the globe is on the rise and the NEBOSH International Certificate online course is currently the most sought after.

If you too are looking to achieve this industry recognised NEBOSH qualification, you don’t need to travel to a far-away classroom location -­ study at your convenience with our flexible, interactive online course.

What’s Included in the NEBOSH IGC Online Course?

Delivery Method

Online (Instructor-led)

Course Duration

10 Days plus exams


IG1 – Management of Health and Safety

Underlines the core strategies designed to implement and manage a successful health and safety system in the workplace.

IG2 – Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Assessment module

Exam Overview

The IG1 open book exam is completed electronically and submitted through the NEBOSH exam portal.  You have 24 hours from 11am (UK time) on exam day to complete and submit your exam paper. The pass mark is set at 45 marks.

The IG2 is a practical risk assessment based on a workplace. This can be completed at a place of work or at home, and is submitted by email according to deadline.

You’ll be awarded a grading for the IG1, as outlined below; and for IG2 either a pass or refer (fail). Your overall qualification grade will be based on the mark you achieve in your IG1 open book exam:

Pass: 45-64 marks
Credit: 65-74 marks
Distinction: 75+ marks

You must successfully pass both units to achieve your full NEBOSH International General Certificate.

NEBOSH Exam Fees

Please note that NEBOSH exam fees are NOT included within the cost. Exam fees are additional and are paid directly to the training provider when you are ready to sit the examinations.

The NEBOSH International General Certificate online course is fully certified and offers the same qualification as a classroom course.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements, but we recommend that all learners be literate in English.

Study the NEBOSH International General Certificate Online

Delivery Method

Online / E-learning

The e-learning version of the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety is designed to work around your schedule. You can complete the training in your own time and you can access e-learning course materials from any device.

Study Time

  • 110 hours.

Benefits of E-learning

  • Flexibility is the great advantage of e-learning. You can enrol at any time and study whenever you wish at the pace you choose.
  • E-learning is designed to keep you engaged and motivated with interactive content comprising quizzes and videos.
  • Courses can be accessed via computer, tablet or mobile devices. The system bookmarks the point you have reached, so you can stop studying whenever you wish, and pick up exactly where you left off.
  • Experts write all the course materials and create them for multiple formats. You can view them as online PDFs (read online or download for offline study) or download as audiobooks.
  • Support is readily available from expert health and safety tutors, who can be contacted by telephone or email for study, revision and exam advice. You also have access to a unique Facebook group, which is a great way to discuss any aspects of your studies with tutors and fellow students.
  • To help you prepare you for your final assessments, we provide tutor-marked mock assessments with feedback.

Benefits for Employers

Employers have a legal duty to ensure that staff have received the necessary health and safety training. E-learning enables them to do so at a fraction of the cost of face-to-face training. We also conduct monitored training delivery, so employers can receive reports on who has completed the training and how they scored.


When studying via e-learning or you don’t pay for your NEBOSH exam(s) upfront – you choose your preferred exam dates and pay later.

NEBOSH International General Certificate Distance Learning

The NEBOSH International General Certificate can be studied via distance learning. If you choose this version of the training, you will be provided with distance learning course materials which will also include study/revision/exam advice, support details and your study planner.

Support is offered by expert health and safety tutors, whom you can contact by telephone or email. You will also have access to a Facebook group specifically for distance learning students, where you can discuss any aspects of your studies with tutors and other students.

You can enrol at any time. The distance learning course can be studied in your own time, with total flexibility around your available hours.

Recommended Study Hours

  • 108 hours


The price includes course materials and unlimited tutor support. Exam fees are additional.

Exam Prices for Distance Learning Students

When studying via  distance learning you don’t pay for your exam upfront — you choose your preferred exam dates and pay later.

  • 1 x Written exam (NGC1, GC2, FC1, NCC1, EC1, IGC1): £99 exc. VAT (held at one of our venues)
  • Practical Assessment (EC2, FC2, GC3, NCC2): £50 exc. VAT
  • Oil & Gas Certificate (IOG1): £120 exc. VAT (held at one of our venues)
  • NGC Open Book Exam (NG1, IG1, NGC1, IGC1): £120 exc. VAT
  • NGC New syllabus practical assessment (NG2 IG2): £85 exc. VAT
  • NEBOSH Diploma Enrolment Fee: £60
  • NEBOSH Diploma written exam fee per unit: £135 excl. VAT (held at one of our venues)
  • NEBOSH Diploma unit DNI exam: £99 excl. VAT