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Resilient You Course (1 Day) by St John Ambulance
The Resilient You is a St John Ambulance resilience training course for individuals teaches delegates about the basic principles of resilience, and explores how these principles can help them become more productive and resilient to burnout.
Course Description
The Resilient You resilience training course, developed by The Wellbeing Project and delivered by St John Ambulance, educates and empowers individuals to take ownership of their own resilience and wellbeing. It teaches individuals what resilience is and how to build and maximise their own, whilst reducing their risk of burnout and illness.
Prior to attending the course, attendees will take a short online workplace resilience and wellbeing self assessment. It will give a snapshot of an individual’s personal resilience and the reports will be generically referred to during the course to explore strategies to enhance resilience. Please note that the trainer will not have access to the reports and will not discuss the results individually with each delegate.
Who Should Attend?
This course is suitable for anyone who wants to strengthen their inner drive and coping mechanisms to avoid the chance of burnout and illness, increasing their productivity. It is recommended that attendees should be in employment, as this course is tailored for building resilience at work.
Delegates should be 18 years of age or older to attend this course.
What You Will Learn
- What is resilience, why is it important and how does it link to performance?
- The resilience spectrum and pressure performance curves
- Introduction to learner’s individual snapshot report and surprises, impacts and themes
- The Accountability ladder
- Individual action plans
- Exploration of the 5 pillars of resilience:
- Energy
- Future Focus
- Inner drive
- Flexible thinking
- Strong relationships.
Course Duration
One day
Assessment and Certification
There is no formal assessment for this course but delegates must complete all sections of the course.